Bottom Line Blog

Survey: The Changing Role of Bank Marketing

The role of the bank marketing function is continuing to evolve to become more critical to overall enterprise, according to a new survey of bank marketers conducted by American Bankers Association. However, a considerable gap still exists between the broad and growing...

Top Performing Above $50B: When Being Best isn’t Good Enough

Polo Rocha from American Banker delves into the in-depth analysis conducted by CPG's Shama Patel and Trevor Fox on the best-performing banks with assets above $50 billion. The large and regional banks that outperformed their peers last year each have their own secret...

American Banker’s 2022 Top Performing Banks $10-50B

American Banker's Orla McCaffrey takes a deep dive into analysis by CPG's Shama Patel and Trevor Fox on the top-performing banks with assets between $10 and $50 billion. In a year that saw interest rates rise at the quickest pace in years, top-performing smaller...

American Banker’s 2022 Top Performing Banks $2-10B

American Banker's John Reosti takes a deep dive into analysis by CPG's Shama Patel and Trevor Fox on the top-performing publicly traded community banks Banks with assets between $2 billion and $10 billion of assets were ranked based on their three-year average return...

American Banker’s 2022 Top Performing Public Banks <$2B

American Banker's Jim Dobbs takes a deep dive into analysis by CPG's Shama Patel and Trevor Fox on the top-performing publicly traded community banks The 200 top-performing publicly traded banks with less than $2 billion of assets, a list published annually by...

(Re)Building Strong Deposit Portfolios: An Urgent Care Prescription

After several years of plentiful and cheap funding, the importance of building a strong, growing, diversified, and sustainable deposit franchise has never been greater and the challenges never more daunting. Unfortunately, over the past few years it appears that many...

Marketing and Compliance: Create a Plan to Ensure Consistency

It is imperative that marketing leadership work closely with their compliance colleagues and take a proactive approach to develop new processes, programs and policies that create a more consistent and efficient approach to marketing compliance-related risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and management.

What’s the Retail Bank Really Worth?

One could argue that for most banks their Retail franchise is the most valuable part of the company. That has never been more obvious than during the recent banking “crisis” when banks without a strong retail franchise and a dependence on highly concentrated deposit portfolios came under severe pressure and, in a few cases, failed.

For Bank Marketers, Digital Media Increasingly Leads Budget Priorities

In the American Bankers Association’s most recent survey of bank marketers, digital reigns supreme. Digital media consumption has increased, digital media’s ROI has been clearly showcased and bank marketing budgets are beginning to reflect the push toward a digital...